Suggestions based on Fridge Contents.

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Suggestions based on Fridge Contents.

Post by STiKY » Thu May 24, 2007 2:30 pm

Ok, so I ordered a couple kits and made my own recipe up and also had a misshipment that yeilded extra LME.

Here's what I have in the fridge. Any suggestions on what I should make with it.

6.6lbs Muntons Light LME
6.6lbs Muntons Wheat LME
1lb Light DME
1oz Cascade Hop Pellets
1oz Saaz Hop Pellets
1oz Styrian Golding Hop Pellets
3/4 oz Fuggles Hop Pellets
3/4 lb Dark belgian Candy Sugar
1/2 lb Chocolate Malt
Fermentis Safbrew t-58 Ale Yeast (Belgian Strong I think)

I'm not against ordering other ingrediants just seeing if anyone had any good suggestions. Hefeweizen maybe?
Primary: Nada
Secondary: Honey Lager
Bottle Conditioning: Nada
Aging in the Closet: Belgian Strong Ale, Dog Fish Head World Wide Stout
In fridge: Bell's Hopslam, Great Lakes Holy Moses, Stella

Posts: 162
Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:37 pm

Post by psfred » Sat May 26, 2007 4:31 pm

Hmmm, very interesting.

Can't really do a Hefe unless you have the correct yeast, but you could do a Belgian strong ale -- go light on the bittering hops.

I'm not sure I remember how to do recipes with liquid extract any more though.

A Pale Ale will require some crystal, but you have the hops for it.


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