No smoking at the Big Brew

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Kenny Lucas
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No smoking at the Big Brew

Post by Kenny Lucas » Wed May 03, 2006 8:47 pm

I thought I was going to be bringing my smoker this Sat., but I realized that even with my trailer and my truck, I won't have any room for it, sorry, I guess we'll just have to eat Zesto. :cry:

I will, however have my motor driven mill, and Brewtus has an attached carbon water filter if we need more water. I won't actually get back there and start brewing until about noon, so I could be there until midnight. I'll probably show up around 7:00 to drop things off and help get set up but I'll leave a little before 9:00a.m.

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Justin Rumbach
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Post by Justin Rumbach » Wed May 03, 2006 10:29 pm

For a minute there I thought you were bringing along Steve Bagby. :lol:
For everyone I haven't met, I used to live in Evansville and was a member of OVHA. After moving home to Jasper, and missing having good friends to brew with, I decided to try to start my own club. I am happy to say that I have been the president of the Dubois County Suds Club since 2006 (although I still miss my OVHA buddies)!

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