New Recipe Database now active

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Chris Norrick
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New Recipe Database now active

Post by Chris Norrick » Sat Feb 25, 2006 11:27 pm

The OVHA Recipe Database is now activated.

There are still some bugs to work out, but it is working. I'm not smart enough to integrate the user accounts from the message board into it, so you will have to create an account on it as well.

It has a lot of functions besides just recipe entry. You can actually plan to do batches from the recipes and it will track the status of the batch. After the beer is done, it has a commenting system to give feedback to the brewer.

There are a lot of stock recipe's already entered into the database, and a few test 'Batches' also. There is a random recipe on the front page also, just go get you thinking.

To enter more than one ingredient, add the first one, then hit the "Update" button on the bottom of the screen to enter the next.

Try it out and report back here.
Chris Norrick
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Chris Alvey
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Post by Chris Alvey » Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:40 pm

Looks great Chris, very good work. I added my Scottish recipe, and even managed to add my particular yeast into the database.

Are we going to keep this to only stuff we've brewed or just anything goes on this?

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Chris Norrick
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Post by Chris Norrick » Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:06 pm

Oh, forgot to mention that you can add and edit fermentables, hops, yeast, and adjuncts. The database has a lot stock ingredients, but I noticed it is missing a lot of stuff. I too had to add in some yeast, hops, and malt into the database for the four recipes I've entered so far. Good thing it is quite simple to do with a little web search to get the data.

Looks to me like the OG calculations are way off and I don't know what is being used for the efficiency (maybe 100%?). I wouldn't pay much attention to those. When you make a 'Batch' you can enter actual OG and FG and it will calculate correct ABV.

I don't see why it would be limited, as all those other recipes are in there already.

BTW: The original program was called CyberBrau if you want to find more info about it but it doesn't seem to be supported by the programer anymore. Last update was several years ago and the website is offline.
Chris Norrick
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