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Hop rhizomes 2010

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:41 pm
by jefrey3
From Hop Union:
Spring will be arriving quickly and Hop Rhizomes will be ready to ship.

One question that is asked a lot is, “what will grow in my climate?” Listed below are the different Rhizomes and what climate each variety will grow best in.
We are expecting the Rhizomes to ship on March 22th but that date can vary a little depending on the weather conditions. All orders shipped will include a growing information packet.

All varieties are “first come first served.”

Rhizome Varieties

Cascade: 4.5-7.0% alpha. Grows well in all climates. Susceptible to aphid.

Centennial: 9.5-11.5% alpha. Grows well in all climates. Susceptible to downy mildew.

Chinook: 11.0-13.0% alpha. Grows well in dry, hot climates. Does not grow well in moist climates. Subject to spider mite. Great ornamental hop.

Columbus: 14.5-15.5% alpha. Grows well in dry hot climates. Vigorous but susceptible to mildew diseases.

Fuggle: 4.0-5.5% alpha. Grows well in damp climates, suffers a little in hot climates.

Glacier: 5.0-6.0% alpha. Grows well in all climates.

Golding: 4.0-5.0% alpha. Grows well in mild, moist climates, does ok in hot climates.

Hallertau: 3.5-5.5% alpha. Grows well in mild, moist climates, suffers a little in dry hot climates.

Horizon: 12.0-13.5% alpha. Grows well in all climates.

Nugget: 12.0-14.0% alpha. Grows well in all climates.

Tettnang: 4.0-5.0% alpha. Grows well in a moderate climate, suffers a little in hot climates.

Willamette: 4.0-6.0% alpha. Grows well in all climates.

Prices for Rhizomes (not including shipping)
1 - 20 Rhizomes @ $2.90 each
21 - 99 Rhizomes @ $2.50 each
100 - 199 Rhizomes @ $2.00 each
200 Rhizomes and over @ $1.70 each

Please return your order form before March 1st.
We will try to fill the varieties you need the best we can.

I will bring the order form to the next meeting.

Re: Hop rhizomes 2010

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:04 pm
by Chris Norrick
2 Cascade
2 Centennial


Re: Hop rhizomes 2010

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:59 pm
by sirgiovanni
I missed the form at the meeting. I'd like 1 Fuggle if I can and thanks.

Re: Hop rhizomes 2010

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:44 pm
by jefrey3
Rhizomes arrived today. Contact me if you want them before the meeting next week.

Re: Hop rhizomes 2010

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:17 am
by sirgiovanni
Thanks much! Rhizome looked great. Got it planted tonight with a about 8 more black raspberries. :)