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Need some grain "BAD"
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:55 pm
by wrink68
I'm showing a few people about grain brewing this Sat. I do not think I can get what I need by then.
I need: 2.2#of Munich malt
0.22 oz of roasted barley (300 srm)
0.14 oz of Chocolate malt (460 srm)
Would someone be willing to lend or sell me some?
Glen Wrinkles
Re: Need some grain "BAD"
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:56 pm
by Chris Norrick
I've got all the above. Just let me know when and where.
Re: Need some grain "BAD"
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:30 am
by wrink68
Anytime W,T,or F.
Sorry I didn't reply sooner---we had company in my cPU room and I just checked a few minutes ago. I'm very willing to drive anywhere you wish in order to P/U.
If you want to call me--812 5674083
Re: Need some grain "BAD"
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:24 am
by Chris Norrick
I'll weigh it out tonight and give you a call.
Re: Need some grain "BAD"
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:10 pm
by wrink68
Thanks Chris for the grain, etc.
It got put to good use Sat. and the result of the process is "gurgling" away now.
Incidentally, we'll have another good member joining this coming January.
Glen W.