FREE: Steel Microfiche (brewery/tool) Cabnet

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Chris Norrick
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FREE: Steel Microfiche (brewery/tool) Cabnet

Post by Chris Norrick » Sat Dec 30, 2006 7:19 pm


This "blast from the past" came out of the old USI library and would make a great storage/tool cabinet. I'm using a slightly smaller one to store most of my brewing stuff. Accepts a standard file cabinet lock.

The cabinet measures: 52"h x 20"w x 28.5" d.
It has 9 heavy duty drawers that are full extension and are 4.75"h.
Inside drawer dimensions are 4.75"w x 27.5"d for each channel. The dividers are non-removable but the ones in the channel are removable.

This thing is industrial strength and heavy!!! MUCH heavier than a regular filing cabnet. It was made to withstand years of frustrated college research abuse. A furniture dolly would be helpful to roll it out of my garage if you have one. Drawers can be removed to lighten it up.

Chris Norrick
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