Fit for human consumption?

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Justin Rumbach
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Fit for human consumption?

Post by Justin Rumbach » Sat Apr 24, 2010 6:44 pm

I got one of those cool mini CO2 dispensers recently. I am looking for a local place to buy 12-gram CO2 cartridges? The ones at Walmart and a local hunting place both have "Not for human consumption" clearly printed on the box. Is there anywhere in Evansville to score food grade cartridges? I understand the paintball shop went under?

For everyone I haven't met, I used to live in Evansville and was a member of OVHA. After moving home to Jasper, and missing having good friends to brew with, I decided to try to start my own club. I am happy to say that I have been the president of the Dubois County Suds Club since 2006 (although I still miss my OVHA buddies)!

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Chris Norrick
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Re: Fit for human consumption?

Post by Chris Norrick » Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:47 pm

I use the cheap wally-world ones. It seems everyone once in awhile I'll get one that smells like the cheap metal it was made from had some oil on it. I don't sweat it. If I notice the co2 has an off odor, I replace it with another.

I remember there was a huge debate on the topic on one of the national boards a few years ago. The rumor was that they added oil into the cylinder to help lube paintball/BB guns innards. I believe that was proven false, but during the cheap manufacturing process, some of the steal is contaminated with small amounts of oil.

I don't think you can get 12g ones that are "food safe". I think all the food safe ones are larger, 18g maybe? I've seen some at a few places to use in those seltzer bottles. I think the co-op had some at one time. It seems like maybe I even seen some at a grocery store once. I might be mistaken. It might have been the kitchen store at the mall.
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Michael Erwin
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Re: Fit for human consumption?

Post by Michael Erwin » Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:10 am

I googled and this came up..., from Williams Brewing. I don't know about the oil issue. Northern Brewer also has the 12s -

I thought that most of those CO2 dispensers used 16g cartridges, which are currently available for $2 and change at the coop, and are also available from Midwest in a box of 10 (
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john mills
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Re: Fit for human consumption?

Post by john mills » Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:59 am

I've just used the cheap ones from Wally world without incident. I think they're all made at the same manufacturing plant under license for each name. We use industrial co2 in our larger tanks, and welding oxygen for wort oxygenation.
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Justin Rumbach
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Re: Fit for human consumption?

Post by Justin Rumbach » Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:53 pm

Thanks for the replies guys. Wally world it is!
For everyone I haven't met, I used to live in Evansville and was a member of OVHA. After moving home to Jasper, and missing having good friends to brew with, I decided to try to start my own club. I am happy to say that I have been the president of the Dubois County Suds Club since 2006 (although I still miss my OVHA buddies)!

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Chris Alvey
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Re: Fit for human consumption?

Post by Chris Alvey » Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:24 pm

I once got some at the bicycle shop there by Washington Square mall. Didn't die from it (yet.)

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