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Attention all server license holders! Bad news / Good news

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:51 pm
by Dwayne_Delaney
I posted this question to the regional Excise authorities last night:

Some of my group volunteer to help various non-profits serve beer and wine at their fundraisers a couple of times a year. Most of us currently hold valid Employee Permits, some hold volunteer permits. Do we, as volunteers working as volunteers only, need to complete the server's training before we can serve at these functions. Over the past several months, we have been given conflicting answers to this question from various "informed" sources. PLEASE try to answer this for us soon, as we have an event coming up soon. Thanks.

The reply:

If you hold the regular 3 year license you MUST attend a training course and refresher every three years. If you hold the volunteer permit good for 2 years and you do not work more than 120 days then you are exempt from having to take the training. The Commission cannot force a volunteer permit to take training if not employed for more than 120 days. Again, that only applies to volunteer permits. Anything else email or call.
Jenny Holman

Jennifer L. Holman
Administrative Assistant
Indiana State Excise Police - District #5
1621 Willow Street
Vincennes, IN 47591
P - 812/882-1292
F - 812/882-1386

Good news for the people that hold the Volunteer permit, bad news for those like me that hold the regular Employee Permit.

Re: Attention all server license holders! Bad news / Good news

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:45 am
by BREWsmith
Thanks for following up. Hopefully, this issue can be put to bed.

Re: Attention all server license holders! Bad news / Good news

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:04 pm
by Don
That's the same thing they told me in February. Glad we got the same reply after all the confusion.

Re: Attention all server license holders! Bad news / Good news

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:58 pm
by Dutch
Just give it a few days someone will have another "The sky is falling intrepretation!"
Maybe I should sign up for the training just to see what happens?