Below are details of the trip, set for Saturday, March 13, to New Albanian's new Bank Street location. We would love for you guys to join us again!
We are renting the school bus again. The seat limit is at 48. I am offering the seats to members of our club first and they have until February 9 to sign up. After that date, I will offer extra seats up to your club, if you guys are interested in coming to Jasper and jumping aboard. Last year, OVHA member crashed at the Hampton Inn in Jasper, which is a short stumble from the Schnitzelbank Restaurant (I promise to make the after party this year).
The bus will be $10/person.
Of course, you are all welcome to carpool from Evansville and meet us at the brewery as well!
More to come later!

Details of the trip so far:
- Leave from St. Joe's Church in Jasper in the afternoon (Dwain Merder is driving the school bus again)
- Pit stop at one of the New Albany area beer stores (need to guage interest on this)
- Arrive at the new brewery (
- Group tours will be available throughout the day
- New Albanian beers will be on tap and I am hoping to get a rare beer or two added to the lineup
- They are doing a special buffet for us - pot roast, mashed potatoes, salad, spicy Asian chicken wings and mini-cheeseburgers for $12/person (+20% gratuity)
- The FOSSILS homebrew club is scheduled to join us around 6:30pm for tours/beers
- Arrive back in town at a somewhat reasonable hour and in a somewhat reasonable condition