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Big Brew Day-Sat, May 6

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 5:04 pm
by jefrey3
The official recipes are Poor Richards Ale & a Kolsch. I have the grain, extract, hops & yeast for 1 all-grain & 1 extract batch of each. You are welcome to make anything else.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:36 pm
by Kenny Lucas
If all goes as planned, I will probably bring Brewtus in around 7:00 am and leave it , then return around noon after my daughter's violin recital.
At that point, I may brew an IPA. I may also bring my smoker and get it goin' if I can find someone to feed the fire for the few hours that I'll be gone.

Then again, when has any thing I've done really gone as planned?