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Single Hop Blonde Project

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:34 am
by Chris Alvey
Thanks to Don's generous donation of a bag of Maris Otter, we're going to put it to good use and make 5 Blonde Ales each with a single hop in the name of experimentation and learning the characteristics of several hop varieties. These will be presented at the September meeting.

If you didn't win some malt at the meeting and you would still like to participate, please post your hop variety in this thread.

Recipe Guidelines
11 # Maris Otter
1# Carapils or Carafoam
25 IBU of a single hop split between a Bittering & Late addition
WLP001 / WY1056 / S-05 @ 68 degrees (ideally)

Single-infusion mash @ 152 degrees for 60 min.

Hops Chosen so far ...
Mt. Hood ?
Soriachi Ace

(If these are wrong please post a correction)

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:13 am
by sirgiovanni

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:38 am
by Chris Norrick
I'm in! Let me see what unusual hops I have in stock.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:13 pm
by Chris Norrick
I could do:

New Zealand Hallertauer

Any preference?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:09 pm
by Don
If you can use any of these for the experiment.
I have them in my freezer (all pellets)
3 oz. Cascade
2 oz. Centennial
6 oz. Challenger
2 oz. Chinook
5 oz. Fuggles
2 oz. Hallertauer Hersbrucker
3 oz. Horizon
3 oz. Liberty
4 oz. Northern Brewer
1 oz. Tettnang
3 oz. Williamette

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:51 am
by JohnD
Single hop ale w/ Sterling is in the fermenter OG 1.064

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 3:55 pm
by Chris Norrick
I didn't win grain but I'll add another batch to the experiment. Probably Santiam hops. I'll plan to brew on the 10th or 17th. Depends on when I keg up the rye-wheat.



Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:02 pm
by Chris Norrick
Weather is looking good to brew this weekend!

Chris, who all won grain?

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:29 pm
by Chris Norrick
SHB w/Santiam is in the fermenter. 1.048 OG

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:51 am
by Chris Alvey
Centennial Blonde is in the fermenter ... I managed to short my water just a bit on the recipe and the little bit I was able to get into the test was too trubby to test accurately. I'm going to guess about 1.055.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:50 pm
by JohnD
Sterling blonde is in bottles. Final gravity was1.012. That figures out to 6.8% ABV. 81% attenuation, that's really high for US5. Tasted good going into the bottles :D

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:27 am
by Davin
The Surachi Ace is also in the fermentor, and bubbling awaya nicely. .4 oz at 60 and .7 oz at 10 SG at 1.054.

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:29 pm
by Davin
There is a problem with the Sorachi Ace Blonde. Turns out i grabbde the wrong hops out of the freezer. I actually used Summit rather than sorachi ace.

I don't believe anyone else was using that one, and the aa's are comparable, so its not a total lose.

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:13 pm
by Dwayne_Delaney
Summit is one of my favorites.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:58 am
by Chris Alvey
A happy accident, I suspect.