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Kegs : Pin Lock v. Ball Lock

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:15 am
by Chris Alvey
Of you all that use kegs, let's see a show of hands on who uses pin-lock style and who uses ball-lock style.

I have recently 'acquired' four pin-lock kegs and I am just wondering if I need to take the time to convert them to ball or if I am OK.

Ryan has ball lock equipment on his kegging system and that's what I am used to so, if anyone has ball locks that they might like to swap for pins, let me know. Although they are not brand new, they seem in good condition.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:49 pm
by Chris Norrick
As far as I know, Kenny is the only one using Pin Lock (Coke). I think Jim D and Jack have a few also, or at least they have the pin lock fittings for the jocky box.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:17 pm
by Kenny Lucas
I have no problems with the pin locks, however it would be cumbersome juggling two different types. If you change them over, (if it is possible on your particular brand of keg) of course, that would solve it all.

Remember that most pin lock kegs are taller but smaller diameter than the ball lock brother. Sometimes that is good, sometimes bad.

I do like the fact that once the pin lock is in place it won't pop off accidentally.

Of course the Betamax did have superior picture quality to the VHS.