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What to expect coming to a meeting
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 3:36 pm
by damianwinter
I have never been in a club besides aha and sense moving to evansville 2 years ago I have not had but a few friends to brew and share recipes with Wondering what to expect at the meeting. Do you bring you home brew to the meetings. Recipes that you brewed to share with others trade hops and ingredients with other brewers. I'm looking forward to making it to next week's meeting people that share a passion for home brewing.
Re: What to expect coming to a meeting
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 4:51 pm
by ThreeBeers
Damien, Thanks for your interest. Our club is pretty relaxed. Yes, please bring Homebrew to share! We generally don't bring printed recipes to share, but if you sample a beer you like, ask the brewer for the recipe and I'm sure they'll email it. We plan an ingredient Swap Meet meeting in March as part of Make Homebrew Great Again. For meeting format I will start at 7am with announcements. Then there is a 10-15 min Tech Topic. This month is our Annual Club Photo so you picked a good one to start coming to! We ask members to wear a club shirt. Our color is orange. We will have some to sell but you may want to wear orange in case we don't have your size. Again, can't wait to meet you!