September Meeting Bring your Homebrew stuff!
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:51 pm
Don't forget the theme for this month is Home brewer Swap Meet! Bring all your old home brewing related stuff that you don't want or need anymore and we can have a rummage sale.
Remember: "One man's pin lock keg is another man's treasure."
Things to bring:
homebrew gadgets you don't use anymore
mashtuns before you switched to brew in a bag
brew in a bag bags from when you switched to mashtun brewing
glass carboys before you switched to plastic
plastic carboys before you switched to glass
extra hops
extra malts
homebrew related clothes, hats, pins, etc
CO2 Tanks
Hoses, tubings, connectors, fittings
Time to clean out the old homebrew space!
You can post here in this thread what you are bringing or what you are looking for so people can be on the look out!
Remember: "One man's pin lock keg is another man's treasure."
Things to bring:
homebrew gadgets you don't use anymore
mashtuns before you switched to brew in a bag
brew in a bag bags from when you switched to mashtun brewing
glass carboys before you switched to plastic
plastic carboys before you switched to glass
extra hops
extra malts
homebrew related clothes, hats, pins, etc
CO2 Tanks
Hoses, tubings, connectors, fittings
Time to clean out the old homebrew space!
You can post here in this thread what you are bringing or what you are looking for so people can be on the look out!