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Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 3:53 pm
by SkyBrew
Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden is pleased to announce the fifth annual “Zoo Brew,” a very exciting event taking place on June 7, 2014 from 7-10 p.m. The Zoo Brew is a highly anticipated happening that will be fun for all who attend! The evening will consist of beer and wine samples, great food, live music, and fun entertainment, all taking place on Zoo grounds.

We will be participating in the Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden’s Zoo Brew. As a participant, we will set up a tasting booth during the event to provide a 2 oz. sample of our finest homebrews to Zoo Brew attendees. The Zoo Brew goal is 1,500 guests in attendance. The event has sold out each year and they are expecting a sell out in 2014. Each guest will be given a sampling mug and enjoy tasting their way around the Zoo!

In order to serve at an OVHA sanctioned event, each server must have on their person a current servers license (volunteer is fine) and a copy of the certificate for completion of the Indiana Server Training Program. This will be checked before the event starts.

OVHA has supported this event every year, by serving samples of our homemade craft beers to the public.
We need your help again this year, we need volunteers that have beer they want to donate, volunteers for serving (you need to have your volunteer servers permit or full bartenders license), volunteers to set up, tear down, talking/educating public on homebrewing.
If your interested please post beer and/or what you can help with.

The sign up deadline to get your beer listed in their guide, on the OVHA page, and get a name tag is Friday May 2.
Remember only dues paid members that are working get in without a ticket. If your not working we ask you to buy a ticket, it's for a good cause and remember to get them early, they do sell out every year.

We will need volunteers for set up, tear down and approx 3-4 servers each hour from 7-8, 8-9, and 9-10 as well as beer contributions.

Lets try to outdo ourselves again like we did the barrel brew and make this an awesome event!

Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 3:58 pm
by Blancaster
Rachel and I (Brandon) would like first hour (7-8) serving please!

Re: Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:04 pm
by KennyPurcell
I'll donate a keg (Only Mostly Dead Guy Ale) and serve from 9-10.

Re: Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 7:28 pm
by Jam095
I will serve any time slot needed, and donate a keg of Hoppy Wheat.

Re: Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:11 pm
by SkyBrew
Abby and I will be there to set up, tear down, and I will serve. I'm setting a personal goal to donate 2 kegs this year. I'm going to try a 10 gallon ESB batch and donate one 5 gallon keg of that and then I was thinking about doing another Imperial IPA like the zombie dust clone I did for SWIRCA last year

Re: Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 7:18 pm
by JohnD
I'll bring a keg of Berliner Weisse and DeeDee and I can serve at 7:00

Re: Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 2:31 pm
by Dutch

Re: Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:26 pm
by areising
I can help setup and serve early.

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Re: Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:54 am
by Chris Norrick
I'll have a keg and can serve anytime.

Re: Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 4:15 pm
by Goldilocks
Cesar and I will bring 1 keg. Maybe beer. Maybe cider. Don't know yet.

We'd like to serve from 9-10. We will both serve and are both licensed.

Re: Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:29 am
by SkyBrew
Updated 04/23/2014

Zoo Brew Servers Schedule

For the 7-9 Shift
Rachel Lancaster 7-8pm
Brandon Lancaster 7-8pm
John Dippel 7-8pm
Dee Dee Dippel 7-8pm

For the 8-9 Shift
Sky Buttrum 8-9pm
Dutch Dehaan 8-9pm
Tony Reising 8-9pm
Chris Norrick 8-9pm

For the 9-10 shift
Cesar Gonzalez 9-10
Amelia Gonzalez 9-10
Kenny Purcell 9-10
John Mullins 9-10

*We have the Maximum amount of servers needed*

Set Up

Sky Buttrum
Abby Buttrum
Dutch Dehaan
Tony Reising
Dwayne Delaney
John Mullins

Tear Down

Sky Buttrum
Abby Buttrum
Dwayne Delaney
John Mullins

We need more members to commit to setting up and tearing down

We Currently have
25 Kegs
2 Bottles

We need more beer! We can use bottles too if you aren't kegging

Beer List
Only Mostly Dead Guy Ale - Kenny Purcell
Hoppy Wheat – John Mullins
2013 Barrel Aged Old Ale – John Mullins
John Mullins- Regal Pale Ale
ESB – Sky Buttrum
Saison – Sky Buttrum
Berliner Weisse – John Dippel
Black RPA - Jeff Smith
RootBeer - Jeff Smith
Club Brewed Foreign Extra Stout – Jeff Smith
Keg of Something – Jeremy Dunn
Wheat Pale Ale – Cesar and Amelia Gonzalez
Keg of Something – Chris Norrick
Keg of Something – Dutch Dehaan
Keg of Something- Aaron Royer
Centennial IPA-Dwayne Delaney
Coffee stout-Dwayne Delaney
Watermelon Wheat-Dwayne Delaney
American Amber- Jeremy Dunn
Hefewiezen Bottles- Jeremy Dunn
Scottish Ale- Peter Frederick
Basil Pale Ale- Jordan Fehr
AHA Stout- Jill Mecklenborg
Basil Pale Ale- Jordan Fehr
Brandon Lancaster- hoppy wheat

If you want your beer listed in the Zoo Brew program you need to have it listed before the deadline of May 2nd

If you want to be on the volunteer list and have a name tag please sign up here before the deadline of May 2nd

There will also be a sign up sheet at the April meeting.

*Reminder, this year we will actually be checking everyones server license and certificate before it starts so be sure to have it with you if you are serving

1.Rachel Lancaster___________ 0__________ 0___________ X___________0_____________0
2.Brandon Lancaster__________0___________0____________X___________0_____________0
3.Kenny Purcell_______________X___________0___________X____________0____________0
4.John Mullins________________X___________X___________X____________X____________X
5.Sky Buttrum________________X___________0___________X____________X___________X
6.Abby Buttrum_______________0___________0___________0____________X___________X
7.John Dippel_________________X___________0___________X____________0___________0
8.Dee Dee Dippel______________0___________0___________X____________X___________0
9.Dutch Dehaan_______________X___________0___________X____________X___________0
10.Tony Reising_______________0___________0___________X____________0___________0
11.Chris Norrick_______________X___________0___________X____________0___________0
12.Ameilia Gonzalez____________X___________0___________X____________0___________0
13.Cesar Gonzalez_____________0___________0___________X_____________0__________0
14.Jeff Smith_________________X___________0____________0____________0__________0
15. Dwayne Delaney___________X___________0____________X____________X__________X
16.Jeremy Dunn_______________X___________X___________0_____________0__________0
17.Peter Frederick_____________X___________0___________0_____________X__________X
18.Dan Mills__________________0___________0___________0_____________X__________X
19.Stephanie Wells____________0____________0___________0_____________X__________0
20.Stephanie Brown___________0____________0____________0_____________X_________0
21.Barbara Wells_____________0_____________0___________0______________X_________0
22.Micky Wells_______________0_____________0___________0_______________X________0
23.Jordan Fehr_______________X_____________0___________0_______________0________X
24.Jill Mecklenborg____________X_____________0___________0______________X_________0
25.Aaron Royer______________X______________0___________0______________X_________0
26.Fred Schmalz_____________0______________0____________0_____________X_________0

Re: Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:15 am
by Jam095
I can also bring a gallon or so of the 2013 barrel aged old ale. Probly in swing tops.

Re: Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 2:48 pm
by Jeremy Dunn
I'll bring a keg of something and help serve at any time.

Re: Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:22 am
by BREWsmith
I will donate a keg of Black RPA. I will help out as needed.

Re: Zoo Brew June 7th Sign Up

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 8:15 am
by Dwayne_Delaney
I will be available for all work details and will bring 2 or 3 kegs

Centennial IPA
Coffee stout
Watermelon Wheat