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Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:34 am
by Dutch
This month's TECH TOPIC for March will be Extract Brewing 101
Post your questions here!

MEMBERS - Please refrain from comments other than those needed quickly by the originator


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:41 pm
by john mills
I got a kit from my grandpa for Christmas last year. He said he got it from the farm store about 5 years ago. The instructions got wet when his roof started leaking in his attic, and I can't hardly read them.
I want to drink this beer this weekend. How do I make it?
Oh it's not one of those thick dark beers like Amber Bock. It's supposed to be like a creamy ale. Can I use more than the 2 bags of sugar that came with it to make it even better?