PH below 2.4 ( huh?! )

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PH below 2.4 ( huh?! )

Post by BM1 » Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:11 pm

Brew Date: Saturday,February 27,2010
Steam O' 3g 80% edit
Style: Specialty ( California Common )
Type: All grain Size: 4.5 gallons
Color: 9 HCU (~7 SRM)
Alcohol: 5.1% v/v (4.0% w/w)
Mash: 80% efficiency.**
Boil: 60 minutes

SG 1.046 5 gallons
OG: 1.052 FG: 1.012
Bitterness: 30 IBU

6 lb. British pale
1 lb. Belgian CaraVienne
12 oz. Wheat malt

14g Cluster (7.9% AA, 60 min.)
20g Willamette (4.6% AA, 45 min.)
8.35g Willamette (4.6% AA, 15 min.)

Yeast: Fermentis Saflager S-23: Dry pitched on
foamy wort @ 70 deg.F.Placed in 68 deg F refer cabinet.

Lag Time: 1hr. - 45 min.
Primary attenuation: 68 degF

** Mash was sinle infusion batch sparge with a target of 151 deg.F
Missed target 4 deg.( 147 deg.).Removed ~ 1.5qts. and bruoght to
boil,returned to tun and landed at 155 deg F.( ~ 5 min. lapse )
Conclusion: 1st rest 147 deg.- 5 min. decocted - 3 pints boil.
2nd rest. 155 - 148 deg. ~ 60 - 70 min.
4.5 gallons wort collected,topped off to 5 gallons to jibe with exp-
ected SG for batch.
:shock: I've had a batch or two that had had a,sour,off flavor but this is extreem.And really,this isn't exactly sour.It's just dry,astringent and acidic.No foul.cidery aroma or vinigary after taste.It tasted fine a week ago and i was thinking about bottling middle of this wwek or so.
I've never heaerd a mention of fermentation becoming so acidic.

Any Ideas ? :idea: :?
You gonna stop whinin' 'bout that beer,or you gonna send it to me?
Friends don't let friends brew drunk!
Signed:Steve Sluder.

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Re: PH below 2.4 ( huh?! )

Post by BM1 » Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:36 pm

It's just dry,astringent and acidic.No foul.cidery aroma or vinigary after taste.It tasted fine a week ago and i was thinking about bottling middle of this wwek or so.
I've never heaerd a mention of fermentation becoming so acidic.
:oops: OK... stop your panicing,everybody.I was in error :oops:

This is one of those experiences that is not only fuuny after,after the fact,but profoundly learning.I w a s n o t h a p p y ! It was so unbeleivable that I was in a mild state of shock.All I could think about was how hard I worked on this beer.This new ( for me ) style.How well it was doing a week ago.How could I have SCREWED IT UP so completely?It was worse that that cider I made without yeast nutrients.

:idea: :? Then,after I thought about it a while,I realized that there had to be an explaination for the acidity.Well,as it turns out,there is.However,I'm not sure what the chemistry behind it is,but here's what hasppened.

I recently,in desperation,bought some LD Carlson Gelatin Finings from the LHBS.I generaly use SuperKlear,if at,all but my budget,at present,is low.I have not used gelatin before today.I added the gelatin,after praparing it per label instuctions,stirred gently and thoroughly then drew out a taste sample.I carried it to the kitchen,rinsed out my mouth and sipped.It was so acidic that I felt some pain on my tounge.I got out my test stips ( for wine ) and checked it.The color indicator showed that it was lower than PH 2.4,the lowest possible results with this paper.I added baking soda to the sample and it fizzed loudly and foamed.I concluded that my beer was highly acidic,althogh I coudn't imagine why.

But my beer is not acidic.Only my sample was acidic.It must have something to do with an onset reaction between the beer and the fining agent.After walking the floor a while,I pulled another taste and I was suprised and relieved that it was very tasty.Smooth and dry with a very good hop finnish.Good clean aroma.I am now very pleased with my results.Any body know what's the deal with the gelatin?
You gonna stop whinin' 'bout that beer,or you gonna send it to me?
Friends don't let friends brew drunk!
Signed:Steve Sluder.

Posts: 162
Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:37 pm

Re: PH below 2.4 ( huh?! )

Post by psfred » Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:36 am

Check the label on the gelatin -- it may be "unflavored" but intended for dessert use, and full of citric acid.

Gelatin should be neutral, I think.


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