Failure to IGNITE

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Failure to IGNITE

Post by Dutch » Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:09 am

I've stared MINI_KEGGING after I received a mini fridge/dispenser from my son for Christmas. Just checked a batch of two minis that I kegged in late December. I plinked the top of each and they sounded different. I finally figured out that if you carefully pull up on the screw head of the pressure relief bung that you can bleed off presure. Well - one is FLAT!
I took a piece of light string and tied it around the head of the screw, pushed the plug into the beer, removed the bung and finally simply pulled out the plug by the string. I inspected, dissassembled, cleaned lubricated and reassembled the plug. I also took about two tablespoons of sugar and dissolved it in some warm water and added it to the beer and put everything back together.
What else could I do? HELP!!
5 Liters of good CHERRY WHEAT is a terrible thing to waste!

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Post by sirgiovanni » Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:06 pm

I had a stout turn out flat and put CO2 on it and it finally carbonated after about 2 weeks.

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