by psfred » Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:48 pm
Well, being purist and knowing Karmeliet is supposed to be a traditional (1625 AD) origin Belgian beer, I made up my own recipe.
5 lbs flaked wheat
5 lbs flaked barley
2 lbs flaked oats
5 lbs malted wheat
19 lbs Turbo Pils malt
2 oz old Fuggles hops plus 1/2 oz Northern Brewer bittering, no finish hops
1 oz coriander seed
1 oz bitter orange peel
1 oz sweet orange peel
10 gal final volume, give or take a bit (not transferred to secondaries yet).
Mash was 120 F for an hour and 150 for two hours -- very slow recirculation and more or less stuck mash for a while, but it did run
Sparged with 15 gal water at 170F after mashout at 165F -- sparge was almost two hours due to slow flow.
Boiled 3 hrs to reduce volume to 10 gal (too much mash water, too).
Final gravity 70 rather than the expected 80, probably too much volume.
Color is dead on, too much coriander, I think, but we will see.
Pitched with Belgian Wit yeast as I couldn't get Belgian Ale yeast in time.
Should be ready to go into the secondary sometime next week (20 day fermentation in the primary).